FOP: What are you going to do with it? RH: Put it in a jar. FOP: Then what? RH: Put it in my fridge. FOP: Why? RH: FOR SCIENCE!!! FOP: And by “science” you mean, “Because I am an aspiring serial killer and the logistics of putting actual road kill in my fridge is not feasible due to my recent trip to Costco”? RH: … 64 cans of Diet Pepsi takes up a lot of room you know.
STEP RIGHT UP! STEP RIGHT UP! Win the little lady a prize!!! 2 Darts for $20! Haven’t you always wanted a giant stuffed banana, a dragon... errr a SILVER FOX!
FOP FAIR WEEK! No, I will not go on that. Why? 1. The guy operating it has a hook for a hand… 2. and he smells like my grandma’s bathroom. 3. I paid $16 for a corn dog, I’m keeping it as long as I can.
One dollar, dolla dolla! Two! Now two, now two, will you give me 2? Two dolla! now Three, now three, will you give me three? SOLD! One half melted hay covered popsicle to the purdy little hussy with the black eyeliner in the fourth row!