Reason #893. Why I prefer a treadmill to running outside. A lone middle-aged man, Standing by the road, In a residential neighborhood, Cuddling a live bunny rabbit…
Above that retaining wall are the train tracks. If you look close, you may be able to spot incredibly rich hobo… or at least one with some flashy gold Grillz.
Birdie, birdie in the sky, Let a turdie in my eye. I won’t pout, I won’t cry, I’m just glad that giraffes, elephants, sperm whales and polar bears don’t fly.
Young man, when you’re dressed like a clown I said, young man, and you crave something brown. I said, young man, just look lower down There’s something warm and fudgey!
Sorry I has to bounce with out saying good-bye. It was really early and I was tired of getting shot at, and tired of getting chased by the PO-Lice. I tried to leave you a note, but I couldn’t find a pen and my email was down. I hope you got the message. I’ll be at Thugs Mansion around noon if you need me.
5 things that scare me and have nothing to do with this photo:
1. Sea creatures (Not so much shrimp or lobsters, rather clams and mussels.) 2. Leprosy 3. Robots that look like humans 4. Empty booze bottles 5. Realizing my house is on fire while I’m in the shower