BobKwanzaa: Day #4
Remember the time I got a new roof?
And told the roofers to take out the swamp cooler cuz I didn’t really need it.
And then thought the roofers broke one of the trusses.
And used a stack of law books to squeeze through that little hole that goes into the attic to fix it?
And how I got stuck, and it was really hot, and I thought I was gonna die.
And when I got unstuck I thought I might have nudged a few shingles out of place.
And how I got on the roof and used silicone caulk all over those shingles.
And how now there’s a shiny, slimy spot on my roof.
And how despite the caulk, its still 97 degrees inside my house.
And how I set up a tent on the back lawn and still couldn’t sleep because of the HELICOPTORS!!!
MY ROOF! MY ROOF! Why hath thou forsaken me??