3 Things I like:
- Work. I know weird. But for the most part I enjoy my job.
Gym. There is a special place in my heart for treadmills, and TVs with cable.
Pictures. I like taking pictures of crap... Some you see, most you don't. They remind me that if you take the time to notice, there's some cool stuff out there.
With that...
Dear Gobblin who "Trunk-or-Treated" out of my car last night at the gym:
- 1. May I have the key to my office back... it appears your career path doesn't require a key, or for that matter an office.
2. 90% of my diet comes from a gas station. The gym isn't a luxury it's a necessity. If I need to call in a favor from Blackwater so I can work out, I will.
3. I hope you and your meth-head friends have fun taking pictures of each other... picking your scabs or whatever it is ya'll do.
My only question why not take the 36 pack of diet pepsi?
Watch your back,