NOT BY THE HAIR OF YOUR CHINNY-CHIN-CHIN?!?! DAMMIT Little Pig! You saw how that whole “house made of straw and twigs” thing went over. What makes you think this is going to work? ARE YOU HIGH?!?!?!
Totally bummed about not being picked for the 2007 “Hang in There” poster. Totally psyched for the "Siegfried & Roy: Masters of the Impossible" Marathon on TBS.
When I am involved in heated debate regarding the origins of driftwood, I take the stand that “driftwood” is a byproduct of wood drifting in the water NOT wood drifting up the side of a mountain, because honestly that’s just plain ridiculous.
If ever your cousin tells you that the reason leaves fall in autumn is so that bears have toilet paper during the winter… don’t write a report about it and read it to your 2nd grade class, trust me.